* First Prize: $75 cash prize, plus a six week course on SF & Fantasy Writing, a $120 value. A copy of The Last Man Anthology; An author spotlight feature and publication in n Sword & Saga Magazine: the Magazine of SF, Fantasy, Steampunk, and Speculative Fiction "
This reminds me of the man who loved helva (or halva or halawah or halwa—whichever, a most delicious sweet of endless excellent variations, when made by someone who knows how). He loved it so much that he ran an annual contest for the best helva, the prize being mostly honour. As he was the sole judge, for the cost of only about one visit to the confectioner's, his storeroom was filled every year with the most lovingly, competitively made helva—and thus he stayed fat and blissfilled from contest to contest. Of course he couldn't make helva, but that wasn't the point. He just knew what he liked, and the best way to get his fill of the best of it.
" Woe: Great Sorrow of distress. THings that cause great sorrow or distress; troubles."
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