Another of my food- and fashion-based stories, "How Galligaskins Sloughed the Scourge" is my spiciest story yet.
Out now, in zombie-tree and pdf formats —
Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine #46
edited by Mark Farrugia
Short stories—John Dixon & Adam Browne, Christopher Green, Jason Fischer, Amanda J. Spedding, Patty Jansen, Simon Petrie, Felicity Dowker, Anna Tambour, Pete Kempshall, Paul Haines
Poetry—K.S. Conlon, Grant Stone
Artwork—Andrew J. McKiernan
Interview of Chuck McKenzie
& more
A note about one story in particular
I have read this edition, and the period piece " 'The Laughing Girl of Bora Fanong' a Tale of Colonial Venus" by John Dixon and Adam Browne is as scrumptious as spooning coconut jelly from its unripe shell while having one's feet massaged by sea hares. Seizing my prerogative to quote from Dixon/Brown's story completely out of context: "I fell into her complicated embrace."
Though they live in different contexts, I am sure that Galligaskins is also pleased as planter's punch to be cavorting in the same issue as This Girl.
thanks from John D and me.
John will be in Aus this weekend - such close friends, and it's the first time we've ever met! - we'll be at the worldcon at some point - will you too?
Adam B
PS - Mark Faruggia put us onto your kind words - beautiful blog!
Electronic communication can be truly special when such friendships and collaborations form and fruit. And John couldn't have a better guide to Australia than you, Adam, though looking at your productions, are you going to take him to Necropolis for a jetlag-breaking brekkie, or just hang out for drinkies at night in Southbank, fangs sharpened? I won't be at the con, but I look forward to more superbly moody stories from both (and each) of you.
Thanks, Anna, for posting this. I had a blast with Adam -- we sharpened our fangs but had brekkie in his kitchen, talking story ideas and convergent evolution over toast and jam -- but do wish we'd met you. I'm looking forward to "How Galligaskins Sloughed the Scourge". Finally, you might be pleased to know that my verification word for this post is "turboomo" -- what a word!
Speaking of blast, I expect a story from Turboomo!
And yes, I would have loved to meet both of you, but will have to continue to enjoy you in your fiction for the time being. So hop to it. I want MORE.
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