The first time I got this I dumped it, but since he's sent it to me again, I'm sharing it with you.
Visit our web site at and click on radio.
My name is Stu Taylor. I provide a unique service for publishers and authors. I am the host of two nationally syndicated radio shows, both entitled “Equity Strategies”. I am currently on sixty radio stations as well as on the world wide internet. My weekday morning, drive time show, “Stu Taylor on Business” , is on a 40,000 watt Boston business station, WBIX 1060, with a powerful reach into 6 New England states.
For a fee, I will serve as a host and interview authors to provide exposure and promote their books. Clients tell THEIR STORY. The interview is not conducted in infomercial form, and therefore maintains listener interest and credibility. Clients often request return interviews.
For more details, either e-mail me at or call at 781- 60-9548.
Taylor Associates, Inc. 136 East St, Lexington, Ma 02420
Now, though (advertisement) my books are brilliant, and are guaranteed to change your life forever or your money wasted, I never thought of them in the same light as, say, this:Feel the Freedom of Total Wealth
Protect your assets and grow your wealth with The Sovereign Society Offshore A-Letter, a free online newsletter specializing in elite global investments, asset protection and financial privacy. Edited by former U.S. Congressman, Robert E. Bauman.
In hindsight, many investors now know what they should have done a year ago. . . the pros don't see disaster looming. But of course, they almost never do. Wall Street is by nature an optimistic place — or at least, it's optimistic that you will stay optimistic and thus willing to invest your money.
Now that is an unusually honest assessment of the advice industry, and one that you're unlikely to hear from wealth-information peddlers, "free" or otherwise.
As for product placement, this is so baldly done now that a recent critical story in the Economist is turned into an ad itself for the industry.
And what is the industry? This is from Seven Answers on Product Placement
How has the product placement industry grown?
But why should I care if the public is diddled and columnists and commentators and newspeople and officials paid to work for the public interest change the meaning of credibility, and we don't seize the word.
In 2004, the value of product placement grew 30.5 percent to $3.46 billion. The greatest growth occurred on television - up 46.4 percent to $1.88 billion. From 1999 to 2004, the annual growth rate averaged 16.3 percent. For 2005, it could grow again by 22.7 percent to $4.24 billion.
Dan Voelpel: 253-597-8785
Why should I care if you listen to advice that's a hidden ad, or your representatives and public servants are proving themselves worthy of accessing the revolving door, a door installed in "democracies" all over the world. The Nation complains, Do the Crime, Do No Time, but that is a pretty prissy way to view reality. And for a completely unreal take on morality, you've got to see The Center for Public Integrity.
Why care about advertising disguised as news, the new business of digital insertion and what that can lead to, or make any distinctions at all about what "news" is inserted into news or left out for a year and just who media serves. Why ask what a radio program host actually is, or what you can expect to get from a program that is called Equity Strategies and touts get-rich books, anyway. Why care about chumps, anyone who doesn't stop to think of the personal wealth-making strategy of someone selling you a way to riches.
I shouldn't care. But I'll let you in on a little secret. If you buy both of my books and you copy the first words on the top of page 67 of each, and add that to the numbers that the letters in both titles add up to, and then reverse the letters of my name, ON A FULL MOON (to be continued in my exclusive newsletter, which, hey, I better get cracking on. Have I got plans for you!)
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