12 June 2022


Because I wouldn't stop for Death
He saw, and stopped for me--
The Carnage was for just ourselves--
Our immortality.
We slowly drove--As buddies now
Since I had put away
My thoughts that I would have to live
Without Celebrity.
We passed the School, where Children strove
and found a place to park.
And Death and I walked, chewing gum,
into that hallowed Ark.
Since then--it’s Centuries, it seems
Yet shorter than the Day
since Me and Death, my sidekick
had our cinematic play.
And now, instead of only Me (Death, only number two)
A Groundswelling has buried me
Underneath this Slew,
This Evermore of I did it too's,
These flashes in the pan.
And Death? That asshole promised Me
I’d be the only Man.
The Only till Eternity
for Being such a Man.

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