25 March 2008

The end of this quest

A great quest ends, not in "answers", but questions.

Ending this blog with a companionable greeting to all you questers everywhere – dirty with delving, riddled with confusion. Hearing, all of you, the resonance of bells that strike your minds. You know that the saying, "All good things come to an end" is as infinitely stupid as curiosity is, to a happy quester, infinite.


  1. That is an extraordinary photo. Happy questing!

  2. An extraordinary plant, like so many annoying little things, once stooped to and examined. Your "I'm working on it" is wonderfully fine, too, Alice.

  3. thanks for your questing and your reports from all the richness of it


  4. Your presence has been a present, CA. Thanks for your comment, especially because I hoped you'd drop in so I could tell you that out of the public eye, I have 3 questions for you. My contact details are in my other site.

  5. Anna --

    I've enjoyed your blog so much over the past few years, with its beautiful pictures and insightful commentary. Keep in touch!


  6. Spencer,
    You've always shown rare good taste, so your enjoyment is my joy. I look forward to reading more essays, stories, experiments, poetry and recipes by you, even if I haven't baked your cricket cookies http://www.annatambour.net/Night-of-the-living-crickets.htm

    Crickets around here crick so sweetly, that's dessert.
