21 January 2008

Fine illustration – The Heron's Nest haiku magazine

I've always considered illustrators to be the finest of fine artists, though the really great illustrators are proud not to call themselves 'artists' and actually like being called 'illustrators'.

Their work must complement. Is it because of the non-self-related thought inherent to the job, that great illustrations not only complement – but transcend?

The Third Annual Heron's Nest Illustration Contest is a fine example.
Jamie Edgecombe
C. Avery
Natalia L. Rudychev
Doris Thurston
Ruth Yarrow
Sandra Simpson
Christopher Patchel

A mistake to fly in the face of nature—a frog may wear galoshes, but I don't hold with toads having beards or wigs.
– Beatrice Potter


  1. The Alphabet of Illustrators is fascinating - thankyou for the link!

  2. Thanks, Kathleen. You've got a very interesting site, too, so I'm glad you included your link.

    In the Alphabet, I'm particularly taken with Boris Artzybasheff who exemplifies what an illustrator can be. The ads and the current affairs are history, but his wry characters are alive!

    Be sure to check out the whole "Cultural Archive" that the Alphabet of Illustrators is part of, at The Full Table http://www.fulltable.com/CA/index.htm
    Chris Mullen is the magician behind the Alphabet of Illustrators and The Full Table, both examples of altruism on the web.

    And if you missed my must-see recommendation earlier, here it is again. Vanessa Ruiz's "Street Anatomy" blog ("Medicine + Art + Design") is not only a must-see for the works of others she finds and displays, but a must-read for her brilliant commentaries. I would have thought her education would have ruined her ability to communicate, but she must have not listened or absorbed well.

    And she is everything I admire as an illustrator, too.

    Perhaps the most amazing thing about her is that, as a primarily visual communicator, she call also spell.
