A corroboree of witches
squabbles in the trees;
they'd knee each other
but they don't
have knees.
They're not polite and
they never say please.
Their eyes are limpid
but their tactics —
Never trust a fruit bat when
there's something sweet to eat.
If your toes are lickable
she'll leave you
sans feet.
Her loveliness is stunning
her fur a soft delight -
but when the blossoms
blossom, she only speaks
to fight.
Like a beauty on a sale day
just DON'T get in her way.
Between her and her
desire, there's only room to
This line of Nora's is hanging here, begging to be limericked.
So please do (knit it into a limerick, that is)
or, taking the line as is or mincing if you please (and though some might eeew it, you'll earn kudos for adding suet), commit your very own bob and wheel, rhupunt, or sneadhbhairdne;
or Carrollify, Seussate, or Yeats it to your taste.
or Carrollify, Seussate, or Yeats it to your taste.
You can even season with pepper spray.
Whatever, but serve it forth, forthwith!
Poems Poems Poems!