07 September 2011

"The Oyster and Alice O." just released in the wild Flurb #12

Dive into the latest issue of FLURB, a Webzine of Astonishing Tales edited and illustrated (in paintings and photographs) by Rudy Rucker.

Authors in this (Fifth Anniversary)
Issue #12, "Fall–Winter 2011"

(I'm not telling you the names of the stories, so that you can enjoy discovering.)
Brendan Byrne
Adam Callaway
Will Ellwood
Eileen Gunn
Martin Hayes
Ernest Hogan
Justin Patrick Moore
Rudy Rucker and Paul Di Filippo
A. S. Salinas
Emily C. Skaftun
John Shirley
Bruce Sterling
Anna Tambour
Don Webb
I'm utterly delighted that my story—"The Oyster and Alice O."— accompanied by a perfect storm of photographs by Rudy Rucker, nestles amongst this unruly mob.

You might know Rudy Rucker as a polymath whose latest novel, the "weirdest, craziest, colorfulest book yet?" is Jim and the Flims.

But with Rucker, there's always more. He's too busy writing, teaching, exploring, artisting, and living to keep everyone informed of his daily production, so, amongst the just-outs and comings, a few snippets:
Nested Scrolls - a Writer's Life has recently been released by PS Publishing.
Better Worlds is a new edition of his artbook, with commentary.
See more about all sorts of his projects here.
He hasn't said, and I don't know how many others have mentioned, that he's also a handful of raisins if you happen to be a vat of water and rye. I loved feeling my brain brew, though the froth was messy. He's a great editor.

3 personal favourite stories in this issue are:
"Xuanito", with its sly humour and my favourite photo of this issue.
"Fjaerland"—Having had an eel make its way into one of my own stories, and a Norwegian troll into another, how could I resist this?
"After the thaw"—I'm a slave to any story with the line "That sounds unpleasantly task-oriented".


  1. anna! - i've been so slack, blog-followingwise, of late! - i rediscovered you on Flurb! What a perfect place for you. Will read the story tonight.

    Adam Browne

  2. Adam, What a time for me to be away! Only now can I respond with thanks. Isn't Flurb a trip? So it's great that you're a Flurbophile. It's a treat to have "The Oyster and Alice" nestling amongst these other delights, and cream over cream that you read it, let alone writing back. Rich? That's a positive for the story, is it? I'll consider it so, considering your own warped point of view, as you didn't say, "You're so macrobiotic."

    And as to that warped point of view, please reply with some pointers to the warps we can get lost in, of your making. Your website doesn't exactly shout your accomplishments. I've just found your story, "The Biologie of Paradise" in "Threee-lobed Burning Eye, and invite everyone to read it as I will now. An irresistible name!

  3. Adam,
    "The Biologie of Paradise" strikes right into a roiling mass of gaah, so I will comment when I can in a couple of weeks. Linnaeus and reputations!

  4. thanks, Anna - yes, i've always been lax at self promotion - the usual baulk - Aus culture frowns on any sort of self aggrandisement. But anyway, I'll be putting my published stories online as an amazon kindle collection in the next 3 weeks, so I'll alert you to it then.

    Rich is a compliment. Such imagination and knowledge and intelligence roiling around in there!

